Our blog is an excellent place to get an idea of what MTAAS stands for. Take a look around, and comment on some of the posts if you’d like to join the discussion! If you would like to help out, please consider donating a small amount.
February 4, 2023
SB210 will Protect vulnerable people and elders with disabilities
This author demonstrates integrity at it’s best. https://dailymontanan.com/2023/02/03/montanans-against-assisted-suicide-new-law-would-protect-vulnerable-disabled-and-elderly/ Montanans Against Assisted Suicide: New law would protect vulnerable, disabled and elderly – Daily Montanan A Montana group, Montanans Against Assisted Suicide, rallied in support of Senate Bill 210 because they believe it preserves life and protects vulnerable groups. dailymontanan.com -
December 19, 2020
2019 Testimony at Senate Judiciary Hearing HB284
2019 Testimony at Senate Judiciary Hearing HB284 My name is Bradley Williams. As a care giver and serving the legislature for a fifth session I want to share with you some of my findings. Montana is nimble enough to lead the Nation. I represent everyone in Montana that stands first for the individual vs […] -
February 14, 2020
“…modern medicine cannot yet achieve… peaceful and painless death..“ Sean Riley
“The pervasive belief that these, or any, noxious drugs are guaranteed to provide for a peaceful and painless death must be dispelled; modern medicine cannot yet achieve this. “ Sean Riley∗ Erasmus MC & Duke University,m Certainly some, if not most, executions and suicides have been complication-free, but this notion has allowed much of the […] -
February 14, 2020
Bring Transparency to Euthanasia Laws
Bring transparency to euthanasia laws https://missoulian.com/opinion/letters/bring-transparency-to-euthanasia-laws/article_bec10f1f-35f4-5a9e-8d68-d4642207f121.html Bring transparency to euthanasia laws | Letters | missoulian.com The realization that induced premature deaths are not peaceful nor rapid 25-72% of the time, quantified in the study by Bill Gallerizzo, is a call for amendments — amendments to ban the use of … missoulian.com On the (Feb. 7) […] -
June 19, 2019
Candidate Steve Bullock Snuffs Out People with Disabilities
Is Candidate Bullock’s ableist mind set prevalent among his peers? https://missoulian.com/opinion/letters/pay-attention-to-disability-rights/article_c8304116-4e51-58d4-93ec-9038ffd5f456.html Re: “Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Let’s protect Montana’s aging population” by Kimberly Dudik (June 14). Representative Dudik has done an excellent job on elder abuse and human trafficking at our Legislature but has ignored the wide path of abuse established by covert Oregon […] -
April 10, 2019
Potential for Abuse Abounds with Laws Allowing Euthanasia.
Don’t duped by the global euthanasia monopoly by promoting their concept while ignoring the dangerous reality of all Oregon model death laws. Potential for abuse abounds with laws allowing euthanasia. There are many documented cases of abuses in the Oregon model death laws. The problem cases only come to light through media and medical or […] -
April 2, 2019
Myth Buster: Assisted Suicide is Not a Rapid or Peaceful Death
While doing my research in Europe, some stats came out of Netherlands indicating a relatively higher failure rate than publicly indicated by advocates. There were mixed numbers ranging between 25-72% often based on eyewitness reports as opposed to gov’t official stats. With intake of sufficient quantities to cause death of anything poison to the system, […] -
March 22, 2019
Hearing HB284 Senate Judiciary Committee 3-21-19
Think Gideon…..it is happening…Montana is nimble enough to lead the Nation. We are the third hearing of the day. Toggle across to 10:05:12 for start. http://sg001-harmony.sliq.net/00309/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20190322/-1/33839 copy and paste link in browser. -
February 26, 2019
Montana House Video Floor Debate HB284 To Ban Euthanasia
Video HB284 House floor debate and passage type in to your youtube search if it doesn’t pop up: Montanans Against Assisted Suicide – 2-14 m.youtube.com Note that Rep Keogh’s testimony was “copy and paste miss information” from the global euthanasia monopoly including the lie that there has never been documented abuses in the Oregon style […] -
January 30, 2019
Great Closing on HB284 by Rep Carl Glimm to Ban Euthanasia
House Judiciary Committee Hearing HB284 to Ban Euthanasia January 29, 2019 the 10th Anniversary of the flawed Baxter v Decision 2009. We have done our due diligence these 10 years on this issue and yes we are a laboratory of the Union. It is time for the our nimble Legislature to speak and led the […] -
December 25, 2018
John B Kelly’s Excellent Overview of Flawed Euthansia Bills
John B Kelly Nails It! https://www.telegram.com/news/20181224/as-i-see-it-legislature-should-continue-to-reject-assisted-suicide-bill As I See It: Legislature should continue to reject assisted suicide bill – News – telegram.com – Worcester, MA www.telegram.com In a recent Wicked Local Lexington commentary (“Medical aid in dying important for some with disabilities,” Sept. 28), Michael Martignetti argues for the legalization of assisted suicide from … […] -
December 22, 2018
New Mexico Euthanasia HB90 Worst for Individuals Ever Proposed
New Mexico 2019 HB90 Read the bill. It promotes and markets itself by claiming 9 times that the poison must be self-administered and then omits an ordinary witness to document the individual’s choice. This tactic is known to be deceptive in order to deflect reasonable and prudent scrutiny. The bill provides immunity for a predatory […] -
November 28, 2018
Physician-Assisted Suicide and the Fight for the Soul of Healthcare
Well Done. Let us join the side we are on. Physician-Assisted Suicide and the Fight for the Soul of Healthcare Physician-Assisted Suicide and the Fight for the Soul of Healthcare November 28, 2018 nancyvalko assisted suicide, Compassion & Choices, law, medical ethics, nursing Despite the US Supreme Court’s unanimous rejection of a constitutional right to physician-assisted […] -
September 24, 2018
Wholesale Immunity for Predatory Corporations and Others
“2. The supposed “safeguards” in PAS laws are an illusion. They include no requirement for psychiatric evaluation or for witnesses to the consumption of the lethal overdose, no medical examiner inquests, no independent safety monitoring board, and no mandatory routine audits of records and documentation. There is no requirement that the prescribing physician has a […] -
August 20, 2018
Dumps cold water on Oregon’s and California’s efforts to starve to death people with Dementia
An excellent powerful read that not only dumps cold water on starving people to death but may extinguish those efforts for now. Bradley Beyond Hawaii What Other Cultures Can Teach Us About Handling Dementia In countries like Japan, China and India dementia seems far less stigmatized. By Richard Gunderman Lily Wolf / About 10 hours […] -
August 7, 2018
In Oregon, Other Suicides Have Increased with the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide
By Margaret K. Dore, Esq. Since the passage of Oregon’s law allowing physician-assisted suicide, other suicides in Oregon have steadily increased. This is consistent with a suicide contagion in which the legalization of physician-assisted suicides has encouraged other suicides. In Oregon, the financial and emotional impacts of suicide on family members and the broader community […] -
July 1, 2018
The for profit euthanasia monopoly has the same roots as PP
The for profit euthanasia monopoly has the same roots. They share staff, managers and board members with Planned Parenthood. Bradley Williams Following is the text. For the illustrations and U-tube links click on the following link to article. Sanger Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger spoke to the Ku Klux Klan and supported eugenics. So why […] -
June 28, 2018
450+ Patients killed ‘if a nurse didn’t like you’ where assisted suicide is illegal…
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/shocking-report-uk-patients-killed-if-nurse-didnt-like-you If you liked the concept of assisted suicide consider the following: Shocking report: UK patients killed ‘if a nurse didn’t like you’ June 26, 2018 (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children) – More details are emerging of the scandal in which at least 450, and probably more than 650, people’s lives were ended […] -
June 12, 2018
Now is the time for the for profit euthanasia monopoly to clean up their act
California can right the wrong of assisted suicide California made a mistake by legalizing assisted suicide, but now it has a chance to correct its error. California’s assisted suicide law was overturned by Judge Daniel Ottolia because the legislative process was not properly followed. If Judge Ottolia’s ruling stands, it will be a great protection […] -
June 9, 2018
Dear CDC There is Evidence of Suicide Contagion in Oregon after Legalizing Assisted Suicide
http://www.choiceillusion.org/2018/06/an-open-letter-to-center-for-disease.html Thank you for your press release regarding increased suicide rates in the US. Please consider the following factors not mentioned in the release. 1. The release discusses rising suicide rates begining in 1999. Oregon’s assisted suicide law, legitimizing and encouraging suicide, had gone into effect just two years prior, in late 1997. Local media […] -
June 7, 2018
Guardianship Abuse of People that Lose Their Right to Control Their Own Lives
Not Dead Yet News & Commentary John Oliver Takes on Guardianship Abuse John Oliver Takes on Guardianship Abuse Posted: 06 Jun 2018 03:20 PM PDT For anyone unfamiliar with the show, HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” features in-depth, dark – and often viciously humorous takes on important news. The last show shared the […] -
June 3, 2018
For Profit Euthanasia Monopoly Uses False Advertising to Confuse Legislators and the Public
Poll: Widespread confusion about ‘Assisted Dying’ There is a tendency not to study legislation but the euthanasia monopoly purposefully conflates all facets to confuse legislators and the public with the inference that it is all or nothing: “Don’t you want your end of life choices?”. This is a very deliberate tactic to deceive the public […] -
May 31, 2018
Thankfully Legislators Read the Bills While the Public Just Likes a Concept Without Consideration
Read the bill https://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/news/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid=12059324 Concept polls do not reflect reality. After interviewing the public for over 60 days at information booths across Montana I take exception to the push polls. Yes 60%, of even the religious, favor the concept as shown by Gallup, then 95% change to not-in-favor after they learn how easily the laws […] -
May 26, 2018
“Don’t Write Off The Elderly” by Nancy Valko
Don’t Write Off The Elderly Don’t Write Off The Elderly May 26, 2018 nancyvalko assisted suicide, culture, family, law, medical ethics Late last year, my 95 year old friend I will call “Melissa” fell and fractured her hip which is especially serious at her age. In one study of people over 65 who fractured a hip, […] -
May 21, 2018
“Natural Death Far Greater Chance of Peaceful Passing”
While doing my research in Europe, some stats came out of Netherlands indicating a relatively higher failure rate than publicly indicated by advocates. There were mixed numbers ranging between 25-72% often based on eyewitness reports as opposed to gov’t official stats. With intake of sufficient quantities to cause death of anything poison to the system, […] -
May 21, 2018
Montana Anti-suicide Plan Excludes Those with Disabilites
Letter to Editor Missoulian 5/21/18 http://missoulian.com/opinion/letters/anti-suicide-plan-excludes-disabilities/article_71d2fced-fbe9-5fe8-9934-7ebf64f99ad7.html Anti-suicide plan excludes disabilities This “Emergency for Montana’s people with disabilities“ (guest column, May 14) is understandable when you consider Gov. Steve Bullock’s administration believes the mistaken assumption that suicide is a rational response to a disability. The Department of Public Health and Human Services rejected the language in […] -
May 16, 2018
VICTORY! Judge rules CA assisted suicide law UNCONSTITUTIONAL
VICTORY! Judge rules California assisted suicide law UNCONSTITUTIONAL A California judge overturned the state’s assisted suicide law this morning, ruling that the legislature acted outside the scope of its authority when it enacted the End of Life Option Act. Life Legal attorneys with Stephanie Packer and her children. Stephanie’s insurance company said it would pay […] -
May 14, 2018
Baxter Case Analysis: “After Baxter, assisted suicide continues to carry both criminal and civil liability risks for any doctor, institution, or lay person involved.”
Analysis of Implications of the Baxter Case on Potential Criminal Liability By Greg Jackson, Esq. & Matt Bowman, Esq. The Montana Supreme Court’s assisted suicide decision is remarkable for what it did not do. In Baxter v. State of Montana, 354 Mont. 234 (2009), the Court did not declare assisted suicide a constitutional right, and […] -
May 10, 2018
Patient-Nurse Mutual Respect Rebounding in Montana
Montana’s Nursing Network: We are celebrating the Big Change in Montana nursing homes since the euthanasia monopoly failed to legislate immunity for themselves in 2011, 2013 or 2015. The mutual respect between patients and nurses is rebounding after being bullied by predatory corporations from 2009 – 2016. Thankfully the euthanasia monopoly left Montana in 2016 […] -
May 9, 2018
Montana Defended in Hawaii Civil Beat
Letters: Aid In Dying In Big Sky Country Letters: Aid In Dying In Big Sky Country A Montana resident opposed to assisted suicide says his state does not provide protection for involved parties. About 5 hours ago Aid In Dying Montana is not immune (May 7, 2018) Only six states and the District of Columbia […] -
May 3, 2018
Alveda King Caught the Euthansia Monopoly Falsely Advertising
Alveda King and Frank Pavone: How can you use Martin Luther King Jr. to promote suicide? You can’t. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/alveda-king-and-frank-pavone-how-can-you-use-martin-luther-king-jr-to-promote-suicide-you-cant The euthanasia monopoly is allowed to use false advertising to promote their business. We see them lie promoting every bill/law, it is a matter that is publicly documented. We should file a BBB complaint in every […] -
May 1, 2018
Published in Alaska: Euthanasia Monopoly’s Laws Can Easily Be Wrongly Administered
Supporters of MTAAS are from the entire spectrum of us all. We leave our differences at the door to focus on the text of bills/laws that provide instant immunity to predatory corporations and others. Once we learn that the euthanasia monopoly’s bills/laws can easily be wrongly administered we stand united in the gap. BDW http://www.sitnews.us/0418Viewpoints/043018_bradley_williams.html […] -
April 20, 2018
Senator Barrett, Just Saying So Does Not Make It So.
http://missoulian.com/opinion/letters/regarding-active-euthanasia-just-saying-so-does-not-make-it/article_7328f832-d489-59c1-9b40-e68e79b69053.html Regarding ‘active euthanasia,’ just saying so does not make it so. Re: Senator Barrett’s letter of 4/20/18 “Bill doesn’t allow active euthanasia.” Dear Senator Barrett, Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with the language of Hawaii’s HB 2739. Sections 23 and 24 state “ ….provider may assist in the administration of the […] -
April 6, 2018
Be Vigilant against the Lies of Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia Proponents
Nancy Elliott 05 April 2018 https://www.societyofstsebastian.org/sebastian-s-point-1 Sebastian’s Point “Sebastian’s Point” is a weekly column written by one of our members regarding timely events or analysis of relevant ideas, which impact the Culture of Life. All regular members are invited to submit a column for publication at soss.submissions@gmail.com. Columns should be between 800 to […] -
April 2, 2018
Hawaii’s Assisted Suicide Bill Misleads with False Advertising
Expose’ on Hawaii’s dangerous euthanasia bill. https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/missoulian.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/eedition/c/2a/c2a2e318-55a5-5e4a-9a66-d46af34e068d/5ac1cdf7426c4.pdf.pdf Hawaii assisted suicide bill misleads. In response to the report about Hawaii (“Doctor-assisted suicide close to becoming law in Hawaii,” March 29). Sadly, House Bill 2739 is going to the Hawaii governor. This bill misleads and uses doublespeak throughout. Countering the first statement, it should say that over […] -
March 25, 2018
CT. HB 5417 is a Predator Immunity Bill, predatory corporations and others.
Letter to the Editor: Physician-assisted suicide harms the poor, elderly and disabled Published 12:00 am, Sunday, March 25, 2018 https://www.nhregister.com/opinion/article/Letter-to-the-Editor-Physician-assisted-suicide-12774026.php Once again, a bill in Connecticut legalizing physician-assisted suicide was the subject of discussion at a public hearing on Tuesday, March 20. This year, it is HB 5417, with the Orwellian name, “An Act Concerning […] -
March 23, 2018
John Kelly’s Testimony National Academies
Not Dead Yet News & Commentary John Kelly’s Awesome National Academies Presentation Video and Slides Posted: 22 Mar 2018 02:46 PM PDT This is a very belated post about John Kelly’s February 12th presentation at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine two-day event entitled Physician-Assisted Death: Scanning the Landscape and Potential Approaches — […] -
March 20, 2018
“I’m glad I didn’t miss this time. I never saw it coming, Doc. … In losing my breath, I gained it.”
https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/20/opinions/caregiving-what-its-like-to-be-me-wes-ely-opinion/index.html What happens when a patient says, ‘Doc, help me die’ By E. Wes Ely Updated 7:49 AM ET, Tue March 20, 2018 This piece is the third part of a CNN Opinion series, “What it’s like to be me,” which explores the personal struggles Americans face at a time of profound social change. E. […] -
March 2, 2018
Hawaii HB2739 Perpetuates the Lie of Self Administration
This bill perpetuates the lie of self-administration. Hawaii 2018 H.B.NO. 2739 This bill leads and uses doublespeak throughout. Countering the first statement it should say that over 20 states have rejected this in 2017-18. Allowing an heir to be one of the witnesses in the sign-up process eviscerates flaunted safeguards. “These rigorous safeguards…” are unenforceable. […] -
February 26, 2018
60% of Family Murders are by Family
Not Dead Yet @NotDeadYetUSA Please join in on Thursday, March 1st, when the disability community will gather to remember these disabled victims of filicide – disabled people murdered by their family members or caregivers. Find your local site: Find your local Day of Mourning vigil site autisticadvocacy.org -
February 6, 2018
Correction Physician Assisted Suicide Remains a Homicide in Montana
Correction please: Thankfully like 44 other states no one in Montana has immunity from prosecution for assisting a suicide, no doctor, nurse, care giver, heir, new best friend or guardian….. The euthanasia monopoly has done you a disservice. The promoters of assisted suicide have worn out their thesaurus attempting to imply that it is legal […] -
January 28, 2018
Highly Documented Expose’ of Euthanasia Monopoly’s Pitfalls Making for Poor Public Policy
Dore Law Review Article on Oregon and Washington This article was originally published as, Margaret Dore, “Death with Dignity”: A Recipe for Elder Abuse and Homicide (Albeit Not by Name),” 11 Marquette Elder’s Advisor 387, 2010.* The updated version below is current as of May 28, 2011. Death with Dignity Acts in Oregon and Washington […] -
January 27, 2018
Death Certificate Falsification Requires OR, WA, CA, CO to Address Their Over Reach
Every law and bill promoted by the euthanasia monopoly includes this intentional flaw eroding public good. Correction is overdue so we may save lives everyday. http://www.choiceillusiondelaware.org/2018/01/death-certificate-falsification.html Death Certificate Falsification Requires Defeat of SB 160 www.choiceillusiondelaware.org Kirk Allison, PhD, MS Dear Legislators: I directed the Program in Human Rights and Health at the University of Minnesota […] -
January 23, 2018
Oregon Model Laws provide immunity for all kinds of predators
Six facts you may not know about assisted suicide With assisted suicide legalised in Victoria and advocates still pushing for its legalisation in other states, you may be wondering what problems lie ahead for Australia when it comes to assisted suicide. Take a look at six problems that the state of Oregon has experienced since […] -
January 11, 2018
Anything Goes Under Oregon Model Euthanasia Laws
Monday, January 8, 2018 Hidden problems with the Oregon assisted suicide law uncovered. Alex Schadenberg Executive Director – Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Link to the article by Fabian Stahle: Oregon Health Authority Reveals Hidden Problems with the Oregon Assisted Suicide Model. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are being promoted world-wide. Recently the Swedish National Council on Medical […] -
January 11, 2018
New York A02383 Euthanasia Bill The Expose’
New York A02383 Yes you may like the concept of assisted suicide/euthanasia but the administration of A02383 and the non-transparent laws in OR, WA, CA and CO brightly provide immunity for predators (corporations, strangers, caregivers, heirs, guardians…) to complete the killing all before the family knows. A simple reading of the laws confirms this to […] -
December 28, 2017
Missoulian Letter 12/28/2017 Assisted Suicide can be Prosecuted
“We celebrate saving lives everyday in Montana.” http://missoulian.com/opinion/letters/assisted-suicide-can-be-prosecuted/article_a7afac46-b612-5fad-b221-0f6388c9a695.html “Re: Denver post gets it wrong again in 12/24/17 Missoulian article about assisted suicide. Correction please: Thankfully like 44 other states no one in Montana has immunity from prosecution for assisting a suicide, no doctor, nurse, care giver or guardian. The promoters of assisted suicide have done […] -
December 18, 2017
New Zealand Euthanasia Bill is not Needed
The euthanasia bill is not needed. We know the Euthanasia monopoly conflates facets and uses false advertising to create confusion among law makers and the public to benefit their monopoly. Their bright goal is to assure their corporate choice prevails over your choice. Your choice is not assured by the euthanasia bill, be sure of […] -
December 13, 2017
Euthanasia Monopoly Conflates Facets to Confuse the Public
This is an excellent expose’ on the facets that the euthanasia monopoly conflates to fan the flame of confusion to their benefit , add to your play book. Bradley http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1712/S00123/widespread-confusion-about-assisted-dying.htm Widespread Confusion about ‘Assisted Dying’ Wednesday, 13 December 2017, 11:36 am Press Release: Euthanasia Free NZ Widespread Confusion about ‘Assisted Dying’ – Poll A new […] -
December 12, 2017
Non-transparent Oregon model laws allow abuses
The Thomas Middleton case has been cited by the Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare as an example of how fraud and the financial abuse of an elderly man took place in Oregon but there was no investigation of his death by assisted suicide. Real estate broker Tami Sawyer had the terminally ill Thomas Middleton move […] - December 9, 2017
December 9, 2017
Guard Against Organ Trafficking in the U.S.
On Saturday, September 9, 2017, Bradley Williams wrote: Guard against organ trafficking in US Letter in Missoulian (Aug 16 2017) I am in agreement with the letter “Take a stand against pillaging organs” (Aug. 7). Meanwhile, it is happening in the U.S. The promoters of assisted suicide attempted to include prisoners in the California bill […] -
December 9, 2017
“Suicide Prevention for All” booth at 2016 Dem & GOP
Booth sponsored by Not Dead Yet. Join the side that you are on. We are saving lives everyday. -
December 7, 2017
Citizens Prevail Against Assisted Suicide in South Dakota
Citizens Against Assisted Suicide m.facebook.com There are so many people to thank for our victory preventing assisted-suicide from coming to South Dakota. This was an effort by well over a hundred key people, some of whom want to remain anonymous. First and foremost my thanks goes out to my bipartisan board of current and former […] -
December 4, 2017
Euthanasia monopoly Enables Predators
The C&C euthanasia monopoly enables (supercharged access) predators and likely is one based on commissions collected. Yes you may like the concept of assisted suicide/euthanasia but the administration of the non-transparent laws in OR, WA, CA & CO brightly provide immunity for predators (corporations, strangers, caregivers, heirs, guardians…) to complete the killing all before the […] -
December 4, 2017
Oregon model Covert Euthanasia Laws Enable Predators
By Margaret K. Dore, Esq., for a pdf version, click here. HB 54 legalizes physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia as those terms are traditionally defined. The bill is based on a similar law in Oregon, which has a near complete lack of transparency. If Alaska enacts HB 54 and follows Oregon practice, there will be a […] -
December 4, 2017
False advertizing to deceptively promote euthanasia
Is Self-Administration Enforceable? By Margaret Dore, Esq. Victoria’s deceptively named Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill uses the term, “self-administer,” at least 30 times.[1] Indeed, self-administration of the lethal dose was a major selling point of the bill, to convince the public and Parliament that patients would be in control. But, the term is not defined. When […] -
December 1, 2017
Montana Democrat Administration refused-ignored to honor the voice of disability rights via HJ14
State #suicidepreventionplans need to address the mistaken assumption that suicide is a rational response to disability Like HJ14 -
November 21, 2017
The Resistance Saving Lives Every Day
Correction please: Thankfully like 44 other states no one in Montana has immunity from prosecution for assisting a suicide, no doctor, nurse, care giver or guardian. The promoters of assisted suicide have done you a disservice. The promoters of assisted suicide have worn out their thesaurus attempting to imply that it is legal in Montana. […]