Hawaii HB2739 Perpetuates the Lie of Self Administration
This bill perpetuates the lie of self-administration.
Hawaii 2018 H.B.NO. 2739
This bill leads and uses doublespeak throughout. Countering the first statement it should say that over 20 states have rejected this in 2017-18.
Allowing an heir to be one of the witnesses in the sign-up process eviscerates flaunted safeguards.
“These rigorous safeguards…” are unenforceable.
“The lie of Self-administered” is mentioned 11 times is used to deflect normal scrutiny while the provision to have an ordinary witness to the administration is missing.
Specifically, active euthanasia is allowed (page 30 line 16 and page 33 line 8&9) which makes this the most unsafe and subject to abuse of all the states, counter to the author’s claim.
Again like previous offerings this process can start and end in death in 16 days, all before the rest of the family learns. Immunity for predatory corporations, heirs, strangers, guardians, caregivers…. is immediate and records are prohibited to be used in investigations.
Reject this hollow state-sanctioned suicide and euthanasia bill.
Bradley Williams
President MTaas org